Sunday, January 21, 2018

The life scanner - 1

One of the features I want to add to my R2 unit is the life scanner. I found several models on the internet, but none of them satisfied me, even if they are really beautiful, so I just designed one by myself...
My model is quite like the one seen in ep.IV, just a bit less detailed. When it will be finished and I'm sure that the model is good enough I will put it on Thingiverse so it can be freely downloaded by everyone.

This is a first print trial:

Nice, but I had to change something in the design to make it easier the parts connection. Let's see the size compared to the dome:

Note that the dome is still unfinished as all the lower part is missing. Anyway here you can see that the antenna size is quite good, so I'm on the right way.

When the model will be completed I will also have to create a lift system to make it move.

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