Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The lift system - 1

Here again. After some time without writing posts now I can go on with some progress for my Astromech. Now it's time to think about a lift system for the life scanner and the periscope.

I searched several days for a good lift system, but I found nothing suitable for my needs, so I started designing one by myself.

I tried about ten different methods and I think that now I made a good project for my droid.

The system is attached at the top of the dome and has two lifts, one for the scanner and one for the periscope. I could eventually add another one, but for now I do not need it. These are few photos from this system (still not in place inside the dome):

I need to fix the perpendicularity of the lift as it goes up and down slightly angled, but for the rest it seems quite fine.

This is a short video of a test for the life scanner. Movements are not so smooth, but this is a software issue because I still need to calibrate some parameters:

When this system will be completed I will share the printable parts on Thingiverse as usual.


  1. hello, your elevator seems perfect i will try this system. very nice job;;;

  2. bonjour, bravo pour votre realisation, tres beau travail. je compte imprimer ce projet. Avez vous un plan de cablage pour ce travail; Merci

    1. Sorry, but no plan is present. Anyway you can refer to a much better lift system (I will use it instead of mine). Take a look at the work of Matt Zwarts on Thingiverse:
