Monday, June 24, 2019

The computer interface - 1

As this droid is equipped with an interface arm, I thought it could be nice to make it a "working" item, so I started designing a computer interface like the one seen on ep.IV inside the Death Star.
Unfortunately I found no measurements, so I had to guess them from the movie frames...

I think that the result is good enough, at least for me.

I had to modify the interface arm a bit to make the probe able to rotate freely. When the probe in inside the interface, this rotates and make spin also R2 probe.

Probably I will make a real data link between R2 and the interface by using wifi, so can also synchronize themself for the show. It could happen something like this:

R2: I am approaching and soon I will insert the probe
Interface: Ok, I am waiting...
Interface: I detected the probe, you can stop and I will take control
R2: some random beeps
Interface: some random rotations
Interface: The show is ended, you can retract the arm
R2: Ok, I am retracting it. Bye
Interface: Bye

Of course it's just an example and in the end the communication could be a bit different (they could also exchange some real data, not only synchronize.

To detect the probe I will use a magnetic switch, like those used to detect the opening of a window for house alarms. R2 probe will have a magnet on the tip, so when it's inserted in the interface it can be detected by the switch and the interface can start rotating.

I am still in the process of designing many parts of the interface, but this is the result so far:

mascalx mascalx

Even if it's far from being completed, I put the files on Thingiverse, so they are available to everyone. In the future I will update this model to make it a working part link I described above.

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